School Messages

Our professional riders understand how important it is to be a good role model. We take the opportunity at every school show to give a positive message to the kids to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are some topics we will talk about during our flatland performance:

  • The importance of staying drug free
    • what drugs do to your friends, family, and body
    • where you can end up from drugs...homeless, in jail, or dead
    • how staying drug free will keep you focused on your goals and important things in life
  • Anti-bullying
    • how bullying can seriously hurt someone
    • why bullying needs to stop
    • how to report bullying to a teacher, parent or trusted adult
  • Being persistent on achieving your goals
    • long term and short term goal setting
    • believing in yourself
    • how to keep motivated
  • Being good to friends
    • Treating others how you would like to be treated
    • how treating people with respect can go a log way
  • Bicycle Safety
    • 5 point bike check (Handlebars, seat, tires, brakes, chain)
    • wearing a helmet and riding safely

We can add or modify any message to better fit your crowd or specific occasion if requested. Please let us know what kind of message you would like portrayed for your specific event.